

Provisions on The Administration of Entry-exit Inspection And Quarantine Report by Proxy
Provisions on The Administration of Entry-exit Inspection And Quarantine Report by Proxy
Provisions on The Administration of Entry-exit Inspection And Quarantine Report by ProxyNo.34 [2002] of the General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine
Chapter I General Provisions
 第一章 总 则
Article 1 The present provisions are formulated in accordance with the Law of the Peoples Republic of China on Import and Export Commodity Inspection and the regulations for its implementation, the Law of the Peoples Republic of China on Entry-Exit Animal and Plant Quarantine and the regulations for its implementation, the Frontier Health Quarantine Law of the Peoples Republic of China and the detailed rules for its implementation, the Food Hygiene Law of the Peoples Republic of China and other laws and regulations with a view to strengthening the supervision and administration of, and regulating the act of inspection and quarantine report by proxy.
第一条 为加强对代理报检行为的监督管理,规范代理报检行为,根据《中华人民共和国进出口商品检验法》及其实施条例、《中华人民共和国进出境动植物检疫法》及其实施条例、《中华人民共和国国境卫生检疫法》及其实施细则、《中华人民共和国食品卫生法》等法律法规的规定,制定本规定。
Article 2 Inspection and quarantine report by proxy mentioned in the present provisions shall mean the act of an enterprise legal person inside the territory of China (hereinafter referred to as the inspection and quarantine report agency) which has been registered by the General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the Peoples Republic of China (hereinafter referred to as the AQSIQ) to, upon the entrustment of the consignee of imported goods and the consigner of exported goods, handle the formalities of inspection and quarantine report in accordance with the law.
第二条 本规定所称代理报检,是指经国家质量监督检验检疫总局(以下简称国家质检总局)注册登记的境内企业法人(以下称代理报检单位)依法接受进出口货物收发货人的委托,为进出口货物收发货人办理报检手续的行为。
Article 3 The AQSIQ shall uniformly administer the work of inspection and quarantine report by proxy all over the country, and shall be responsible for the registration of the inspection and quarantine report agencies; each entry-exit inspection and quarantine bureau directly under the AQSIQ (hereinafter referred to as inspection and quarantine bureau directly under the AQSIQ) shall be responsible for the preliminary verification and annual appraisal of the inspection and quarantine report agencies within its jurisdiction; the entry-exit inspection and quarantine institution at all places (hereinafter referred to as inspection and quarantine institutions) shall be responsible for the daily supervision and administration of the inspection and quarantine report agencies.
第三条 国家质检总局统一管理全国代理报检工作,负责对代理报检单位的注册登记;各直属出入境检验检疫局(以下简称直属检验检疫局)负责所辖地区代理报检单位的初审和年度考核工作;各地出入境检验检疫机构(以下简称检验检疫机构)负责代理报检单位的日常监督管理工作。
Article 4 An inspection and quarantine report agency shall be registered by the AQSIQ, otherwise it shall not engage in the business of inspection and quarantine report by proxy.
第四条 代理报检单位应当经国家质检总局注册登记,未经注册登记的单位不得从事代理报检业务。
Article 5 An inspection and quarantine report agency shall, when accepting the entrustment to handle the inspection and quarantine report and other relevant matters, abide by the relevant laws and regulations on entry-exit inspection and quarantine, and shall be responsible for the genuineness and legitimacy of all the contents under the inspection and quarantine report by proxy, and bear the corresponding legal liabilities as well.
第五条 代理报检单位在接受委托办理报检等相关事宜时,应当遵守有关出入境检验检疫法律法规规定,并对代理报检各项内容的真实性、合法性负责,承担相应的法律责任。
  Chapter II Registration of Inspection and Quarantine Report Agencies
第二章 代理报检单位的注册登记
  Article 6 An entity applying for the registration of inspection and quarantine report by proxy (hereinafter referred to as the applying entity) shall meet the following conditions:
  (1) having obtained the "Business License of Enterprise Legal Person" issued by the department for industry and commerce;
  (2) having at least 1.5 million Yuan of registered capital;
  (3) having a fixed business site and the facilities for handling the business of inspection and quarantine report;
  (4) having a good management system;
  (5) having at least 10 persons who have obtained the "Certificate for the Qualifications as An Inspection and Quarantine Reporter";
  (6) other conditions stipulated by the AQSIQ.
第六条 申请代理报检注册登记的单位(以下简称申请单位)应当具备下列条件:
  Article 7 An applying entity shall file an application to the inspection and quarantine bureau directly under the AQSIQ at its locality and submit the following documents:
  (1) the "Application Letter for the Registration of Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine Report by Proxy";
  (2) a duplicate of the "Business License of Enterprise Legal Person" (the original shall be submitted for verification at the same time);
  (3) a duplicate of the "Certificate for the Qualifications as An Inspection and Quarantine Reporter" of the inspection and quarantine reporter to be appointed (the original shall be submitted for verification at the same time);
  (4) a sample seal mould of the enterprise of inspection and quarantine report by proxy;
  (5) other documents stipulated by the AQSIQ to be submitted.
第七条 申请单位应当向所在地直属检验检疫局提出申请并提交下列材料:
Article 8 The inspection and quarantine bureaus directly under the AQSIQ shall carry out the preliminary verification on the applying entities applications, and shall submit those which have passed the preliminary verification to the AQSIQ for verification. To the applying entity that passes the verification may be issued a "Registration Certificate for Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine Report by Proxy" (hereinafter referred to as "Registration Certificate").
An inspection and quarantine report agency that has obtained the "Registration Certificate" may engage in the business of inspection and quarantine report by proxy within the areas approved by the AQSIQ.
第八条 直属检验检疫局对申请单位的申请进行初审,初审合格的,报国家质检总局审核,经审核合格,颁发《代理出入境检验检疫报检登记证书》(以下简称《登记证书》)。
Article 9 In case of any modification with an inspection and quarantine report agencys name, address, legal representative, business scope or other major issues, the agency shall, within 15 days as of the modification, report in written form to the inspection and quarantine bureau directly under the AQSIQ at its locality.
第九条 代理报检单位名称、地址、法定代表人、经营范围等重大事项发生变更的,应当在变更之日起15日内以书面形式报所在地直属检验检疫局。
Chapter III The Act of Inspection and Quarantine Report by Proxy
第三章 代理报检行为
Article 10 A consignee of imported goods may entrust an inspection and quarantine report agency at the place of customs declaration or the place of receipt to make the inspection and quarantine report, while a consigner of exported goods may entrust an inspection and quarantine report agency at the place of origin or the place of customs declaration to make the inspection and quarantine report.
第十条 进口货物的收货人可以在报关地和收货地委托代理报检单位报检,出口货物发货人可以在产地和报关地委托代理报检单位报检。
Article 11 An entrusted inspection and quarantine report agency shall complete the following acts of inspection and quarantine report by proxy:
  (1) going through the formalities of inspection and quarantine report;
  (2) paying the inspection and quarantine fee;
  (3) contacting and cooperating with the inspection and quarantine institution to carry out the inspection and quarantine;
  (4) obtaining the inspection and quarantine certificates and the proof of customs release;
  (5) other matters related to the work of inspection and quarantine.
第十一条 接受委托的代理报检单位应当完成下列代理报检行为:
Article 12 An inspection and quarantine report agency shall, when accepting the entrustment by a consignee or consigner, abide by the provisions in laws and regulations on the consignee or consigner.
第十二条 代理报检单位接受收发货人的委托,应当遵守法律法规对收发货人的各项规定。
Article 13 An inspection and quarantine report agency shall, when making the inspection and quarantine report, submit a power of attorney on the inspection and quarantine report to the inspection and quarantine institution.
第十三条 代理报检单位在报检时,应当向检验检疫机构提交报检委托书。
The power of attorney on inspection and quarantine report shall indicate the principals name, address, the name (signature) of the legal representative, the nature of the principal and its business scope; the inspection and quarantine report agencys name, address, matters under agency, and responsibilities and rights of both parties, period of agency, etc., and shall be affixed with the official seals of both parties.报检委托书应当载明委托人的名称、地址、法定代表人姓名(签字)、机构性质及经营范围;代理报检单位的名称、地址、代理事项,以及双方责任、权利和代理期限等内容,并加盖双方的公章。
Article 14 An inspection and quarantine report agency shall, in accordance with the relevant provisions, regulate the inspection and quarantine reporters act of inspection and quarantine report, and shall bear the legal liabilities for the inspection and quarantine reporters act.
第十四条 代理报检单位应当按照相关规定规范报检员的报检行为,并对报检员的报检行为承担法律责任。
Article 15 An inspection and quarantine report agency shall, as required by the inspection and quarantine institution, be responsible for guaranteeing the inspection and quarantine place, time and other relevant matters.
第十五条 代理报检单位应当按照检验检疫机构的要求,负责落实检验检疫场地、时间等有关事宜。
Article 16 An inspection and quarantine report agency shall bear the obligation of keeping confidential for the commercial secrets he has known from carrying out the inspection and quarantine report by proxy.
第十六条 代理报检单位对实施代理报检中所知悉的商业秘密负有保密义务。
Article 17 An inspection and quarantine report agency shall, in accordance with the relevant provisions, pay the inspection and quarantine fee on behalf of the principal, and shall not charge additional fees from the principal in the name of the inspection and quarantine institution.
An inspection and quarantine report agency shall truthfully inform the principal in written form of the payment of fees to the inspection and quarantine institution, and the inspection and quarantine institution may check or verify this issue at any time.
第十七条 代理报检单位应当按照规定代委托人缴纳检验检疫费,不得借检验检疫机构名义向委托人收取额外费用。
Article 18 An inspection and quarantine report agency shall charge the principal the intermediation service fee for the inspection and quarantine report by proxy strictly in accordance with the relevant provisions.
第十八条 代理报检单位应当严格按照有关规定向委托人收取代理报检中介服务费。
Chapter IV Supervision and Administration
第四章 监督管理
Article 19 An inspection and quarantine institution shall apply the system of annual verification to the inspection and quarantine report agencies. Each inspection and quarantine report agency shall, before March 31 of each year, apply to the inspection and quarantine bureau directly under the AQSIQ at its locality for annual verification, and submit the "Annual Verification Report" of the last year.
第十九条 检验检疫机构对代理报检单位实行年度审核制度。代理报检单位应当在每年3月31日前向所在地直属检验检疫局申请年度审核,并提交上一年度的《年审报告书》。
The main contents of the "Annual Verification Report" include: the information on the business of annual inspection and quarantine report by proxy and the analysis thereof, the financial statement, the errors in inspection and quarantine report and the reasons thereof, the information on abidance by the relevant inspection and quarantine provisions and the self-evaluation, etc……
An inspection and quarantine report agency that has been registered by the AQSIQ for less than 1 year does not have to apply for annual verification in the present year.
An inspection and quarantine bureau directly under the AQSIQ shall report the information on the annual verification of the inspection and quarantine report agencies to the AQSIQ for record.
Article 20 An inspection and quarantine report agency shall cooperate with the inspection and quarantine institution to investigate and deal with the matters under its proxy.
第二十条 代理报检单位应当配合检验检疫机构对其所代理报检的事项进行调查和处理。
 Article 21 No inspection and quarantine report agency shall lend its name in any form to others for them to carry out the business of inspection and quarantine report by proxy.
第二十一条 代理报检单位不得以任何形式出让其名义供他人办理代理报检业务。
Article 22 An inspection and quarantine report agency shall set up and improve the files on the business of inspection and quarantine report by proxy, truthfully and completely record the business of inspection and quarantine report by proxy it has undertaken, and consciously accept the daily supervision and annual examination by the inspection and quarantine institution.
第二十二条 代理报检单位应当建立、健全代理报检业务档案,真实完整地记录其承办的代理报检业务,并自觉接受检验检疫机构的日常监督和年度审核。
Article 23 An inspection and quarantine report agency may make the inspection and quarantine report to the inspection and quarantine institution by electronic means, provided that it shall not use electronic inspection and quarantine report enterprise software to carry out distant electronic pre-record.
第二十三条 代理报检单位可以以电子方式向检验检疫机构进行申报,但不得利用电子报检企业端软件进行远程电子预录入。
  Article 24 Where an inspection and quarantine report agency is under any of the following circumstances, the inspection and quarantine bureau directly under the AQSIQ may suspend its qualifications for inspection and quarantine report by proxy for 3 months or 6 months:
  (1) it has committed an act in violation of the provisions on inspection and quarantine report;
  (2) it provides untrue information, and therefore causes the goods under inspection and quarantine report by proxy unable to be inspected or quarantined;
  (3) it does not administer the inspection and quarantine reporters strictly, and more than one reporters have been cancelled the qualifications for inspection and quarantine report;
  (4) it delays the annual verification without the consent of the inspection and quarantine institution;
  (5) it violatesArticle 16 of the present provisions by disclosing the commercial secret it knows from carrying out the inspection and quarantine report by proxy;
  (6) it violatesArticle 17 of the present provisions by failing to pay the inspection and quarantine fee on behalf of the principal or failing to inform the principal in written form of the information on the payment to the inspection and quarantine institution according to the provisions, or by charging additional fees from the principal in the name of the inspection and quarantine institution;
  (7) it violatesArticle 18 of the present provisions by charging the intermediation service fee from the principal for the inspection and quarantine report by proxy not according to the provisions;
  (8) it violatesArticle 20 of the present provisions by refusing to cooperate in the investigation and punishment by the inspection and quarantine institution on the matters under inspection and quarantine which it reports by proxy;
  (9) it violatesArticle 21 of the present provisions by lending its name to others to undertake the business of inspection and quarantine report by proxy;
  (10) it violatesArticle 22 of the present provisions by failing to set up and improve the files on the business of inspection and quarantine report by proxy, and is therefore unable to truthfully and completely record the business of inspection and quarantine report by proxy it undertakes;
  (11) it violatesArticle 23 of the present provisions by using electronic inspection and quarantine report enterprise software to carry out distant electronic pre-record;
  (12) its inspection and quarantine report needed to be suspended due to other reasons.
第二十四条 代理报检单位有下列情况之一的,直属检验检疫局可以暂停其3个月或者6个月的代理报检资格:
  Article 25 Where an inspection and quarantine report agency is under any of the following circumstances, the AQSIQ may cancel its qualifications for inspection and quarantine report by proxy:
  (1) the enterprise of inspection and quarantine report by proxy is changed, and does no longer meet the conditions inArticle 6 of the present provisions;
  (2) it fails to attend the annual verification or fails to pass the annual verification;
  (3) it is under anyone of the circumstances enumerated inArticle 24 of the present provisions, and the offense is serious ;
  (4) it dos not implement its obligations within the scope of authorization, and therefore disturbs the order of inspection and quarantine;
  (5) it does not truthfully make the inspection and quarantine report, and fraudulently obtained the inspection and quarantine documents;
  (6) it forges, alters, buys, sells or steals inspection and quarantine documents, stamps, marks, seal indications, and quality certification marks;
  (7) its qualifications for inspection and quarantine report by proxy needs to be cancelled due to other reasons.
第二十五条 代理报检机构有下列情况之一的,国家质检总局可以取消其代理报检资格:
Article 26 The institutions of inspection and quarantine report by proxy and their inspection and quarantine reporters shall, if violating any law or regulations on inspection and quarantine in their activities of inspection and quarantine report business, be punished in accordance with the law or regulations.
第二十六条 代理报检机构及其报检员在从事报检业务活动中违反检验检疫法律法规的,按照法律法规规定处理。
Article 27 No inspection and quarantine institution or its functionary shall set up any inspection and quarantine report agency in any form to carry out the work of inspection and quarantine report by proxy or seek any undue benefits.
第二十七条 检验检疫机构和工作人员不得以任何形式成立代理报检单位,进行代理报检工作,从中谋取任何不正当利益。
Article 28 No inspection and quarantine institution or its functionary shall have any interests relationship with any inspection and quarantine report agency. The functionaries of the inspection and quarantine institutions, the persons who should withdraw according to the relevant provisions of the state and the persons who have left their inspection and quarantine posts for less than 3 years, shall not hold post in the inspection and quarantine report agencies and shall withdraw according to the relevant provisions.
第二十八条 检验检疫机构工作人员不得与代理报检单位有任何利益关系。检验检疫机构工作人员和按国家有关规定应予回避的人员以及离开检验检疫工作岗位3年内的人员,不得在代理报检单位任职并按照有关规定实行回避制度。
Chapter V Supplementary Provisions
第五章 附 则
Article 29 The inspection and quarantine report by proxy mentioned in the present provisions does not include the act of a production enterprise to be entrusted by a trading company to make the inspection and quarantine report for the sake of selling its own products to the trading company.
第二十九条 本规定所称的代理报检不包括生产企业接受贸易公司的委托,为该贸易公司收购本企业产品进行报检的行为。
Article 30 The AQSIQ encourages the import and export enterprises to directly make inspection and quarantine report to the inspection and quarantine institution by electronic means.
第三十条 国家质检总局鼓励进出口企业以电子方式直接向检验检疫机构报检
Article 31 The responsibility to interpret the present provisions shall remain with the AQSIQ.
第三十一条 本规定由国家质检总局负责解释。
Article 32 The present provisions shall enter into force on January 1, 2003.
第三十二条 本规定自2003年1月1日起施行。

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